This week we interview “Dr. B,” Dr. Will Bulsiewicz. Dr. B is a graduate of Georgetown University School of Medicine. He trained in internal medicine at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and gastroenterology at The University of North Carolina Hospitals. He also earned a Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI) from Northwestern University and a certificate in nutrition from Cornell University. Dr. Bulsiewicz is board-certified in both internal medicine and gastroenterology.
To find out more about Dr. B, head to https://theguthealthmd.com.
We discuss:
- Why does bacteria matter so much?
- What bacteria is considered ‘bad’ bacteria? How do remove those?
- What are the thoughts around testing for food sensitivities?
Studies mentioned in the episode:
How diet impacts gut microbiome:
Benefits of substituting whole grains for processed grains:
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/p
ubmed/28179226 - https://www.sciencedaily.com/r
eleases/2017/02/170208151337.h tm
Gluten free diet reduces short chain fatty acids and damages gut microbiome: