We’ve all had the thought before. “That’s it. I’m quitting my job and I am going to culinary school. I am becoming a chef or opening my own restaurant.” Personally, I’ve had this thought many times. I’ve contemplated opening a food truck, a restaurant, or a hot dog stand. I love food. Who doesn’t love food? It is one of the things that makes most of the people in this world happy.
This week we talk to food critic/chef Lauren Shockey. Lauren decided to quit her job, go to culinary school and travel the world as a chef. Not only did her passion lead her to her current job as a food critic, but it also provided the stories for her book, Four Kitchens.
Lauren has an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago. She also holds a diploma from The French Culinary Institute and a Master of Arts in food studies from New York University. Currently, Lauren is a staff writer at the Village Voice.