Creativity is like a fire hose. Once you turn it on it’s hard to control, it spews out haphazardly, and if you don’t have a firm grasp on it, it can whip you in just about any direction. The power that it yields is immense; however, one small malfunction can completely stop the flow and you better have some knowledge and tools to get it up and running again. That’s where this week’s guest, Jill Badonsky, comes in. She knows the most common reasons your fire hose breaks and how to fix it.
I have to admit, I don’t really know the extent of Jill’s knowledge about fire hoses, but I will tell you she knows a heck of a lot about creativity. I’ll also admit, that Jill’s approach to dealing with creativity, working through the process, and overcoming obstacles is a bit odd. In her most recent book, The Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard): 10 Guides to Creative Inspiration for Artists, Poets, Lovers, and Other Mortals Wanting to Live a Dazzling Existence, Jill introduces us to her 10 imaginary friends that each represent a different creative concept designed to help us overcome creative blocks and let go of the fear that holds us back from doing what we want to do.
Jill Badonsky, M.Ed., is an internationally recognized workshop leader, keynote speaker and creativity coach. She has consulted with national magazines, filmmakers, comedians, artists, writers, women in business, and spiritual groups through-out the country. Her background is in occupational therapy, writing, marketing, educational media and instructional design. Find out more about Jill at http://www.themuseisin.com.